Can We Do Anything About the Effects of Soft Drink on Teeth?
It’s the stuff of dentistry nightmares and the guilty pleasure of so many Australians. Consumption of sugary soft drink.
And though some common myths about certain soft drinks being able to dissolve coins has been subsequently debunked, there’s no denying that regularly consuming sugary drinks can have. Detrimental effect on our dental health.
We know it’s bad but we do it anyway. So really, surely there’s some way to stem the effects of soft drink on teeth. Some magic cure or special tool at the dentist’s office that can undo a lifetime of bad beverage habits?
Let’s investigate.
What are the effects of soft drink on teeth?
These drinks are very high in sugar. This sugar interacts with the bacteria already in your mouth to form acid that then goes on to attack your teeth. This is a damaging reaction and, depending on how often you indulge, can have some fairly catastrophic effects.
The enamel (the hard, protective layer that forms on the top of your teeth) is attacked by the soft drink. Over time, you’ll see the development of tooth decay as well as dental cavities.
It’s not looking too good for those soft drinks, is it? When you take into account the predilection of younger people to consume a lot of soft drink, it seems like this is a problem that’s targeting the young and impressionable members of our society.
What’s to be done?
So is there a quick fix? A special toothpaste? Perhaps a magic wand?
The answer is no. The ONLY way to fix or reverse the damage that soft drink can have on teeth is to stop consumption in its tracks and replace bad habits with appropriate dental care.
What needs to be done?
Arranging a check-up and clean with your dentist and dental hygienist is the first step on the road to teeth recovery.
Ensuring that you are brushing your teeth appropriately (at least twice a day for two minutes each time) is an excellent place to start. Regular flossing will also improve the health of your teeth as you stage an oral comeback.
Avoiding sugary drinks and replacing them with (chiefly) water will help to cut down on the chances of nasty bacteria forming inside your mouth.