There is such an incredible amount to learn in that first year as a parent even when your baby is healthy, it gets just that much harder when he or she is not well. This can be very daunting for first time parents, as this may well be one of the first times they have seen their child upset and uncomfortable is when teething starts. Some kids are born with erupted teeth which can cause problems with breast feeding but for many the first teeth come through – and this varies a lot at about six months. These are the middle incisor teeth (let’s agree to call these the ‘A’s) at the bottom. These are closely followed by another two incisor teeth (B’s) on the bottom and the middle upper incisor teeth (A’s). Eventually a total of five teeth in each quarter of the mouth will erupt, which, when they are all through, we will call, from front to back: A, B, C, D, E. Just to confuse you they don’t come through in this order, it is usually as pictured below: Frequently ask questions: Parents often ask “Why, if my child is X months old, have they not got any teeth?” The key point though, is that in each child they erupt at different times and some vary a lot from the norm, so in the vast majority of cases there is absolutely nothing to worry about if teeth are a little slow coming through. Another common question is “Is my child teething?” Let us help you distinguish the Teething Symptoms: Drooling, Gum rubbing, Mouthing/ biting, Irritability, and Low grade fever. Not teething symptoms: Loss of Appetite, Vomiting, High Fevers, Cough, Rash, Diahorrea, and Difficulty Sleeping. What can I do about Teething? – Use Child formulations of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen – Textured and cold Teething Rings Common Teething Treatments that can be Dangerous – TO AVOID Anything containing Local Anaesthetic: Lignocaine or Benzocaine for eg SM33. The anaesthetic can impair the gag reflex increasing the risk of choking. It is easy to lose track of how much is enough and for the baby to be given far too much. Other possible complications, especially with over consumption, include heart rhythm disturbances, epileptic seizures and methaemoglobinaemia. Teething Remedies: Such as BONJELA. The active ingredient is Choline Salicylate but babies have been hospitalized with toxicity as a result of Salicylate overconsumption. Homeopathic Gels and Tablets: The gels are made from diluted poisons such as belladonna which can lead to toxicity. Homeopathic Tablets can pose as choking risk, some tablets are made of Lactose which might put the baby at risk of tooth decay. Amber Beads: They are a choking hazard. The...
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