Is Breezecare Brisbane’s Most Effective Halitosis Cure?
Robert Duhig Dental are proud to be one of the only, if not THE only, local dental surgeries to offer Breezecare. Brisbane has been shouting out for positive, proactive dental care that focuses on BREATH – and here it is!
Self-Analysis: Could Breezecare in Brisbane work for you?
There are a few simple ways to figure out if this innovation could be a positive influence in your life – as well as the lives of your family and friends. This is a potential halitosis solution that could be the cure to what ails you (if what ails you is bad breath!).
Self-Check: what are my dental habits?
Taking a close look at your current dental habits could be an indicator of the causes of bad breath that you may be experiencing.
Regular brushing? Flossing? If the answers to those questions aren’t a resounding yes then the question about where your bad breath is coming from could be answered in the humble bathroom. Discuss preventative measures with your friendly dentist at your next check up and see if you can come up with a plan together.
Self-Check: the avoider
Have you found that you’re doing ‘extra’ things to compensate for that not-so-clean feeling in your mouth? Maybe you haven’t even noticed you’re doing it!
Avoidant extras include:
• Mouthwash
• Lollies (to take the taste away)
• Overloading on Tic Tacs and mints
You could save a packet on these extras by addressing the problem head on! Try the breath test in the clinic to test your levels using science-based technology.
Self-Check: other people
Finally, pay close attention to the reactions of other people. This could be a bit of an ego-damager but it’s well worth it!
Do they move away from you? Do they turn their heads away when you talk? Is your breath enough to stop enthusiastic sales people in their tracks? Do your kids refrain from getting up close and snuggly with you? Is your partner hesitant to kiss you?
Ask yourself some of these hard questions and know that the answer could be simpler than you thought.
How does Breezecare work?
This is a scientific process that’s been developed by a collection of dentists and microbiologists with a focus on the improvement of oral health. They have focused on the presence of bacteria in the mouth that’s usually the result of lifestyle choices. What we choose to put in our mouth is reflected in the breath that comes out!
You can find more information about BreezeCare technology here.
Breezecare Brisbane – the only way is up!
Don’t spend another minute feeling paranoid or embarrassed. There is hope for those afflicted by bad breath! Robert Duhig Dental proudly offers this revolutionary technology as a genuine solution to halitosis.